Tummy Tuck Surgery - Cosmetic Procedures
Alternative names Cosmetic surgery of the abdomen; Tummy tuck; Abdominoplasty
Abdominal wall surgery is voluntary surgery that improves the appearance of flabby, stretched-out abdominal muscles and skin. Excessive fatty tissue and loose skin are removed from the middle and lower sections of the abdomen. The abdominal muscles may be tightened. Note that this is a different procedure than liposuction.
Cosmetic repair of the abdomen can help improve appearance, especially after massive weight gain and loss. Abdominoplasty can help flatten the lower abdomen and tighten stretched skin.
The patient is admitted to the hospital and the surgery is performed in the operating room. General anesthesia is used to keep the patient deep asleep and pain-free. An incision is made across the abdomen, just above the pubic area.
Excess skin and fat are removed from the abdominal wall from the pubic area to the rib cage and around the navel. The abdominal muscles are tightened. The incision is stitched closed. Excess skin and fat can also be removed from the arms and legs.