Plastic Surgery Cosmetic Surgeons - Plastic Surgery Article Part 1

Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgeons
Breast Augmentation -  Facelift and Liposuction

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TUESDAY, Aug. 30 (HealthDay News) -- Forget the stereotype of the cosmetic surgery patient as a wealthy, older woman who lunches and shops, then slips into her surgeon's office for "a little work."

A new poll from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons finds the average patient is becoming, well, more average.

Patients undergoing cosmetic surgery increasingly come from all income levels and age ranges, concluded Dr. Walter Erhardt, chairman of the American Society of Plastic Surgery's Public Education Committee.

"Financing has made surgeries more affordable," Erhardt said. "And I think people are making some decisions." For instance, they might keep a car a few more years to work the cost of plastic surgery into their budgets, he said.

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Facelift Information
Facelift Plastic Surgery Information and Before and After Photos

Cirugia Plastica Estetica
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Breast Augmentation Before and After
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Cosmetic Surgeon
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Plastic Surgeon
Plastic Surgeon Board Certified

Breast Augmentation
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Plastic Surgeon
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Cosmetic Surgeon
Facelift Breast Enlargement and Lipo information

Board Certified Cosmetic Surgery
Breast Enlargement Facelift and Lipo information

Plastic Surgery Facts and Photos
Facelift Breast Enlargement and Liposuction information