Plastic Surgery Cosmetic Surgeons - Cosmetic Surgeons

Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgeons
Breast Augmentation -  Facelift and Liposuction




Rolling Back the Hands of Time: The Facts on Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery has made extraordinary advances both in cosmetic procedures (helping erase the marks, wrinkles and sags of encroaching age) and reconstructive procedures (correcting a deformity or burn surgery) in recent years.

In the search for the body beautiful, many women and men have opted for some sort of cosmetic surgery to get rid of unwanted fat, smooth out wrinkles or remove a mole or other beauty mark. Some of the most popular procedures performed today include liposuction, laser facial resurfacing, face and eyelid lifts, and rhinoplasty. Whether it is cosmetic or reconstructive, all surgery carries uncertainty and risk.

Choosing A Surgeon

With the growing popularity of plastic surgery, and the increase in number of physicians performing cosmetic procedures every year, it's important you understand the credentials of the person you choose to be your plastic surgeon.

Step I: Develop A List of Candidates' Names

  • Seek recommendations from a family member or friend.
  • Seek recommendations from your family doctor or nurse.
  • Verify the surgeon has completed residency in Plastic Surgery.
  • Check if the surgeon is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
  • Inquire about any privileges the surgeon may have to do your specific cosmetic procedure at an accredited hospital.

Step II: Check All Credentials

  • Once a list of names is compiled, check credentials by contacting hospitals (verify official approval of privileges), professional societies, and even the surgeon's office to verify the type of training and experience the surgeon has had.

Step III: The Consultation

  • Once your list is narrowed down, consider a consultation with 2-3 candidates to discuss their opinions on which surgery is best suited for you, type of anesthesia to be used, post-surgical protocol and their fees. If the procedure is to be performed on an outpatient basis, it is important to verify the location is an accredited operating facility. Accredited facilities have been reviewed by an independent organization and means the facility meets national health and safety standards. See resources below for information on accredited facilities.

Now it's time to choose the surgeon that's right for you.

  • If you've obtained your surgeon's name from a good source, checked his or her credentials, are satisfied with your initial consultation, and have realistic expectations for the surgery, chances are very good that you'll be happy with the outcome of your plastic surgery.


Facelift Information
Facelift Plastic Surgery Information and Before and After Photos

Cirugia Plastica Estetica
Plastic Surgery Information and Before and After Photos Spanish

Breast Augmentation Before and After
Breast Augmentation Information and Before and After Photos

Liposuction Information Before and After Photos
Liposuction Information and Before and After Photos

Cosmetic Surgeon
Cosmetic Surgeon Before and After Photos

Plastic Surgeon
Plastic Surgeon Board Certified

Breast Augmentation
Breast Enlargement and Augmentation information

Plastic Surgeon
Breast Enlargement Facelift and Lipo information

Cosmetic Surgeon
Facelift Breast Enlargement and Lipo information

Board Certified Cosmetic Surgery
Breast Enlargement Facelift and Lipo information

Plastic Surgery Facts and Photos
Facelift Breast Enlargement and Liposuction information